Participating at Virtual Exhibition or Online Trade Fair? Check 4 success factors
It is likely that you will participate in a Virtual Exhibition & Online Fair in the coming days. In this new format, here are 4 tips for success:
1. Digital ready content:
All your product information in the form of catalogues & brochures must be made ready for distribution through the online trade fair. And just converting existing catalogues to pdf may not be enough. There are differences in readability of a printed catalogue & digital catalogue. You may need to re-purpose your existing information tools to become digital friendly e.g. larger text sizes, shorter sentences, more visuals and so on.
2. Online profile of booth staff:
The team who will be managing the chat in your virtual booth must have a good online profile. The basic requirement would be a nice professional profile photograph to show as your chat agent profile. Also, they must have a complete & well defined LinkedIn profile. As chat agents, you should connect with visitors to your booth on LinkedIn to develop a relationship & engage beyond the virtual exhibition. Having a complete LinkedIn profile with photograph, experience, skills & recommendations can go a long way in creating impressions & confidence!
Contact us to discuss how we can help you with digital marketing in b2b world
3. Script bank for the virtual exhibition:
Prepare number of scripts that you may expect to use during the virtual exhibition. Be it an introduction message or answers to standard questions you are expecting. Keep these handy on a single file & copy-paste into chat windows as per need. Or maybe the chat facility provided on the platform has an option to save these scripts as ‘canned messages’. This will help you & your online booth to respond promptly, save their own time & be consistent with communication.
4. Independent Virtual Booth:
There are also Virtual Exhibitions organised by various associations or organisers. Here there are several companies exhibiting together for a limited period of time & the show organiser invites visitors. Such exhibition platforms typically have very basic options for individual exhibitor booth. Usually you will need to choose a pre-defined booth template which allows for some graphic panels, upload of few pdfs, link to few video files & a chat facility. The interface of such platform maynot be enough. In such events having your independent online 3d booth ready can be a huge advantage. You can advertise your independent Virtual Booth as an “Experience Center”. You can do this through chat messages or info panels and invite the visitors to your exclusive Virtual space!
(There are also other long term benefits of a virtual exhibition or experience center. You can read more about it another post here)
Create a customized environment with 3d replicas of products & interactive information points. Invite visitors to this exclusive booth for a deeper engagement & conversation.
Contact us now to setup your virtual exhibition booth

VirtuLab specialises in Customer Engagement & Brand Building Solutions in the Digital World.
Design Desk has been lndia’s leading exhibition design company for over 15 yrs & worked in 30+ countries.